One more week to go!!

Happy Friday, class! I got home at 12:46 AM, and so after a nice walk and some school this morning, I am ready to wrap up week 14!! It was such an emotional day in Columbia with Margaret’s Awards Day, Math awards, meeting and saying goodbye to some of her favorite math profs, then Sally’s last Symphony concert and saying goodbye and THANK YOU to her wonderful violin professor of 6 years- so many emotions!! The Lord is kind.

Thank you for being flexible and welcoming to Mrs. Leinonen for some final review and activities- I can’t wait to hear how you liked them all.

P&P: We started the day in God’s Word, pointing out the fool and the wise again. So many themes that popped up all year- I pray this will prove fruitful in your whole life!! We will finish up the book next week after lunch.

Economic Projects: WOW! These look and sounded great- I will hand them back next week with a rubric moms. I loved seeing your pie graphs of expenses and hearing your future “plans/dreams.” Please prepare for your final Bluebook exam next week- remember, choose a Proverb that has an economic principle in it. Then bring all three books for an essay type question. Also, please learn 20 Econ and 10 historical events for a timeline.

Research: OK, these Abstracts were amazing! And you remembered the running head, title page, keywords- I can’t wait to read them all!!! THANK YOU, moms, for insisting that they finish this hard, good assignment!! I’m so proud of them before I even open them up! I hope you enjoyed the science activity yesterday with raisins, marshmallows and toothpicks! 🙂 Please bring your Research book for the essay and Bluebook next week- you can use it!

IE: I heard some very excellent memory work!! Three of you were gracious to do yours next week since we ran out of time.

Afternoon: Timeline of Exposition books (can’t wait to hear about these), Latin Jeopardy, and Research 5 common topic discussion with activity.

Looking ahead:

Please come prepared for a Logic portion to your Bluebook- you may use your trusty class blue notebooks for this. These notebooks are already in our class!

Also, we will have our Latin FINAL exam- I went through what to expect- all vocabulary from the entire book, sequence of tenses chart, ablative chart, grammar (use past tests to study), bring all translated readings AND your Latin I book for that portion. (

Please finish up your Shakespeare projects- moms, these should start around 12:30 after lunch and P&P.

Finally, bring your “How I have grown” last paper with you to class- we will all present these for the final portion of our day.

Here’s a schedule of the day:

8:30-9:30- Latin Exam (if you aren’t taking this, you may arrive at 9:30, or you may come and use this time to study for the rest of the day)

9:30-11:30- Econ Final, Logic & Research finals, and last IE speeches

LUNCH- Pizza! I will provide.

12-12:30- Prayer and Proverbs

12:30-1:45- Shakespeare Projects

1:45-3:00- “How I Have Grown” Papers

Hope this helps with all of your prep! I cannot believe it’s week 30- this year has flown by with this bright, fun class!!! It makes me sad that my time with them is already over!! They are a blessing to me (and Charlie;). Thanks for sharing them with me!!

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Spring WWUP#13

Good Friday, class! Have you made sure your suit is clean? Have you made sure you have the wrinkles out of your dresses? I’m looking forward to protocol tonight-it’s sure to be a fun evening! Here’s a wrap up of our day together yesterday:

P&P: Proverbs 27- most of you were present and ready to read right at 8:30- thank you!!

Logic: We went “foundations old school” this week, singing a formula to find the roots of a quadratic equation- thanks for joining in with me- and I hope this helps you learn this important formula you’ll need for future maths.

Grammar: The Book is complete!!!! Now you should translate your last reading No. 44- and start studying for the final exam. Make use of these lighter exercise weeks to study.

Exposition: I heard some great comparison papers on The Old Man and the Sea. Start working on your very last paper “How I have grown” that is due on week 15.

Lunch/Closing: Wasn’t that a fun way to celebrate the whole year with our whole community!!? You mamas made our table look and taste great!! I loved it all! Thanks for helping in the celebration, moms!! You’re the best.

Research: We conducted our last experiment this week in Martha’s Kitchen. Moms, ask your student which fruit juice has the most Vitamin C!! Please finish up your research paper- you will be presenting the abstract next week in class during the morning, and I’ll be taking up those that are completed- if you don’t have it in class, I won’t be taking it up late. It sounds like most of you are doing very well with this and are ready to finish it up and put it behind you!! 🙂 Some quick reminders: CITE Most sentences , page numbers, title page, running header (in all caps), References page (bbliiography), put your thesis and topics in the last sentence of your introductory paragraph, have a concluding paragraph, and then write your ABSTRACT with KEY WORDS very last (as page 2). Can’t wait to see your work!

Debate: How are the IE speeches coming along? They are due next week and we will present them in the morning session!

Economics: The timeline is complete- now start working on it- 20 Econ/10 History for your final Bluebook exam on week 15. Finish up both projects and bring them to class on Thursday- you’ll be presenting them in the morning session and I’ll take up those that are complete- make sure to make them nice and neat- and don’t forget all of the “parts” I’m looking for- use that handout I gave you to include everything! Noah, thanks for helping everyone with the pie graph.

Shakespeare: I think 5 students had had “the talk” with a parent about the marriage discussion- what a great conversation we had in the chapel!! If you missed this time of talking, I recommend it- how often are you going to have to discuss dating, marriage, future, etc. with your child? You’re missing a major time of discussion!! They’ll be gone out of your house in 3-4 very short years…. use your time wisely!!

It was another super Challenge I day! Thanks for the privilege of spending these 6 hours weekly with your children- they are talkative, energetic, bright, creative, funny, and a JOY! Looking forward to the next two weeks to finish strong!! This is not the time to give up… push, pull, whatever it takes to make them do hard things!

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Spring WWUP#12

Hello everyone!! Are you ready for the Eclipse? I just arrived home after a whirlwind trip to Alabama, Columbia, and the Low Country of SC! I remembered I need to wrap up our day together on Thursday- so here we go!

P&P: Nice reading of Proverbs 27- still can’t believe we’re almost done with this book of the Bible!! We shared prayer requests with each other. Charlie and Scarlet, you were both missed and prayed for!

Logic: We worked some more factoring problems, these a little more complex! I hope this makes sense to you.

Grammar: We discussed Deponent Verbs again this week, and I assigned more exercises and readings from this lesson. Then we went back to encourage ourselves with how well we translate, and read Reading No. 10 together- this came very easily for all- so I hope you all are happy with your Latin work these 3 years! Be preparing for our final exam- it covers the whole book- vocabulary and all quizzes/tests should be reviewed!

Exposition: I was not encouraged in this strand- hardly anyone had read the assigned readings from the guide, so we weren’t able to have a discussion- instead, I gave a pop quiz on all of the American Literature we’ve read this year, asking for characters, settings, surrounding events, etc. We will try to have our Transcendentalism discussion again next week- please complete the assignment from the guide- Emerson’s essay and first chapter of Walden. Also, moms, I’m leaving the science fiction reading/watching to you at home. 🙂 My final writing assignment is one that used to be in our guide, and is a sweet way to end this strand- writing a last paper to present on week 15: “How I have grown.” Please find three “proofs”/ways you have grown to write about. This is due week 15.

Research: We worked in groups to compose 5 Common Topic questions for our module 13. Please take the test this week to finish up this module. Also, write up our last lab- Exp. 14.1- we will do this in class on Thursday. We took notes on our research paper again- I just keep going over this so that they won’t be too confused about all of the “parts”- title page, abstract, body, references. USE Purdue.owl over and over- and don’t forget to cite it in your references page (your bibliography just like your bibliography cards). I hope your typing and citations are going well. You should be moving toward writing your introduction and conclusion soon, with the abstract being the very last thing you write. Remember, this is due on week 14.

Economics: We are done with both texts, so now is the time to be thinking about finishing up your projects- they are both due on week 14. I’ll send out an email with the last couple of things to include with the projects to “finish them up.”

Debate: How are your last IE speeches coming along? They are due on week 14.

Shakespeare: Please read your guide for instructions- you need to have the marriage discussion with your parents that is in the guide- bring your answers to class- this is a sweet time of discussion, moms. I would hate for you not to have it with your child! Also, be working on those Shakespeare projects- they are due on week 15!

Have a super day and week! See you soon!

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Spring WWUP#11

Whew! Another great day, and it seemed to fly by- in fact, this whole semester is flying by!! And here we are at our Easter break- make the very most of it! You have plenty to do, I’m sure! Here’s a wrap up of our fun day together:

P&P: We read Proverbs 26 together, discussing many of the themes that we’ve seen all year- very classical to have them repeat over and over. Duncan and Santi, we missed you both and prayed for y’all!

Logic: We worked through reorganizing and factoring many problems in order to simplify them. Don’t forget to factor BEFORE working to find a common denominators.

Grammar: Lesson 41 and Deponent Verbs is done! This is some hard, new content, and I’m thankful that Mrs. Yon will go back over this again next year in Latin 2! But hopefully you’ll have some recollection of these passive looking verbs that are translated actively. The main goal is to work on exercises and readings and to learn the vocabulary for these last lessons!! Now is the time to really start reviewing voc!!! Also, don’t forget the Quid et Quos- I’m glad we were able to work through Charlie’s with him today.

Exposition: I loved seeing and hearing you defend your comparisons for your papers- now put those into a thesis sentence and work on that outline this week- remember, put the quotes and page numbers INTO the outline so the hard work is completed. Please read your first chapter of Walden too- we will discuss the Emerson essay and Thoreau chapter in our next class.

Protocol: What a blessing to Have Mrs. Wilson start walking us through protocol- today was about the handshake, introducing oneself and then small talk. Start practicing these things at home please.

Research: I’m thankful that we were able to perform (successfully!) two experiments this week!! I hope they help with your understanding the module 13 work this week. If module 12 isn’t finished, you need to do so quickly. We will discuss module 13 in our next class. Also, moms, the students should have written down the notes I gave them on the board about the needed pages and parts to the research paper. This is the time to start finishing up typing the body of this big paper. Also, some remarked they aren’t citing each sentence- now is the time to do that… not later. Once the body is done, then move to the abstract, title page, and references pages.

Economics: Great discussions today- moms, many/most do not have their chapter summaries- you need to check on this, and I would have them complete them before finishing the Money Mystery book. This is assigned in the guide, and I would have them do this for understanding. Please continue working on those projects- they are both due on week 14. I will send an email with the way to complete them (charts, summary paragraphs) at a later date. Right now you need to continue to write down your stock numbers and still pressing on with the cost of living information.

Debate: I handed back the ballots at the end of class- moms, PLEASE read over these- you all provided invaluable insights and wisdom for these students- I especially love and appreciate the specific “box” for my own student to see how and where he can improve as a speaker. The final IE speeches will be due on week 14- now is the time to be working toward this.

Shakespeare: We are re-reading the play now- we covered Act 1, scene 2 and Act 2, scene 1 today in two groups who “performed” for each other. Moms, could you please talk with your student about the final project- I really recommend doing something other than food…. there is so much to learn about this time period- use this project as a time to make your student do something new- a powerpoint, poster, pamphlet? Use this as a time to push them. And there are actual visuals and research that needs to go into this project, so make sure to choose something that can/should be researched.

We ended the day with a great conversation about each strand, finding a common thread throughout the day- comparing in every strand. Noah and Kaden, we are thrilled that you two won the spike ball championship this year!! Kaden, this is year two!! Congrats, boys!

Have a lovely Easter week celebrating our Risen Lord! I can’t wait- my favorite Sunday of the whole year!!! See you in two weeks.

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Spring WWUP#10

Happy Monday, everyone!! I’m sorry this is so tardy- it was quite the weekend for our family- my daughter, Sally, played her very last graduate recital at USC on Friday evening. We had a sweet reception afterward to celebrate her years of diligence and to give thanks to the Lord with her.

We had quite the week 10, didn’t we??? Some excellent conversation in the morning, and then a perfect afternoon full of debate- I loved every minute of it!!!

Thank you all for really jumping into debate this year- dressing appropriately, judging so intently, and speaking with ETHOS, LOGOS, and PATHOS so very well. I think every single round was a “hard” one to judge- because you all did such a super job! I hope that you feel ready for the debates in your future at CC. You should be more than ready.

Here’s a wrap up of our day and some things to remember for week 11 and beyond.

P&P: We enjoyed reading Proverbs 25 together and shared prayer requests and praises. Please remember to pray for Duncan and Santi’s families who are both on vacations. We will miss you both next week in class.

Logic: We worked on the Pythagorean Triples- you will see this come up in future maths.

Grammar: Lesson 40 is all finished up- remember your degrees of adjectives this week in your translations. Also, please remember to study for your quiz next week on exercise 410. I will give you 6 verbs (from the exercise) for you to parse like the exercise. Now is the time to be working through your vocabulary- don’t neglect this- you are responsible for all of the words from Henle 1 on your final bluebook.

Exposition: We heard some exceptional comparison papers- the structure was amazing!!! I will read over these papers and hand them back. Please work on your newest comparison Venn diagram for our book The Old Man and the Sea. Also, stick with your guide for other readings.

Research: Let’s write up the second experiment for our module. We will conduct this lab in class on Thursday. Try to finish up module 12 at home, taking your test. How is the typing of your paper going??? Any questions? Please let me know. I hope that you are typing, citing most sentences….. use those notecards well.

Debate: Congratulations!! You are done with this strand, debate- wise. We still have a memorized IE due on week 14/15. Also, we might have some fun with more impromptu speeches if we have time each week.

Economics: How are your Stock Market numbers coming along? How’s your Cost of Living project coming along? Please don’t fall behind on these. Also, We will listen to summaries in class, so make sure to bring those with you.

Shakespeare: I hope you’re reading through the play for the second time. Please discuss your final project with your moms. I do not want only food presented. 🙂 And remember, you have to actually do research and share what you’ve learned with this project- not just bring it in or feed us.

Have a great few days here- work hard so that you can have a nice Easter break. I love this time of year!!

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Spring Weekly Wrap UP #9

What a fast-paced, good day we had yesterday!! Scarlet and Noah, you were both missed!! Here’s a wrap up of our day together:

P&P: Thank you for attending to God’s Word so well. Also, thank you for sharing requests and praises with your classmates.

Logic: I hope that you recognize these different functions now- you will see examples of them on standardized tests in your future, and it will help you to be able to answer those type questions fast. Nice job in factoring and then cancelling out these longer, larger algebra problems. I see great math work- and some excellent understanding, too.

Grammar: Lesson 39 is now discussed. I hope that the six “steps” make sense in your homework and exercise 410. Noah, I’m sending a picture of the board with the L. 39 notes- your friends should have them too!! You will be quizzed in TWO weeks on exercise 410. Keep translating every day- and don’t forget a quid et quo each week- Clemmie, thank you for sharing your sentence with us yesterday. I handed back the midterm tests too, moms, for you to look at and use.

Latin Group Work

Exposition: WOW! Such wonderful work went into these comparison outlines, for those who completed it. For those who didn’t, you have a ton of work to do this week. This outline takes lots of time, and I saw your tenacious work, students. Moms, I took time with each student individually to go through the outline, and this was a sweet time with your student. I can’t wait to watch you turn that outline into a full paper. Please read your next text as the guide instructs. We also read and discussed Booker T. Washington’s “Atlanta Exposition Address,” finding Ethos, Logos, and Pathos throughout- what a wonderful speech- this could be a good one for that last IE due on week 15.

Research: Have you finished up module 11 yet? You should be starting the module work for lesson 12 this week. Moms, your students worked for a solid hour, arranging their research cards into topics and then into the order they want to use them! They worked so hard, and had some great questions for me as I moved through the room. We discussed how to start typing this paper up- start THIS week so that you can bring questions to me this next week. Don’t forget to use your guide, pg. 194 AND Purdue.owl for any help with citations. Remember, almost every single sentence will have a citation- if you use the card, then it is cited! I would recommend having the first topic typed in this week.

Economics: We added to our timeline, while discussing the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression- now this conversation makes more sense since they understand inflation, rising prices, stock market numbers, etc.- I love to hear understanding as it grows throughout the year!! Keep up with your Stock Market numbers- and work to catch up (sounds like many of you need to) in your Cost of Living folder- these are both due on week 14. Please do not forget your summaries as you read your Money Mystery book- I heard some good short summaries this week. This is part of your homework- don’t neglect it.

Debate: OK, I think you’re ready!!! We practiced 1ACs today after I handed them back- make the very short changes I asked you to make, and print off two copies and your FLOW PAD!!– if you are giving the 1AC, make sure to PRACTICE presenting it every day- and time yourself!! Look up more AFFIRMATIVE evidence this week, tag it, cite it, etc.- and also, find some more NEGATIVE- do the same- TAG, Cite, and Quote. You will want all of this for the impromptu speeches. Moms, I’m excited to see some have signed up for our rounds- please make sure to find the time that suits you!! Remember, bring your business clothes- boys, dress pants, button shirts, ties, and coats (if you have one)- girls, dress slacks or dress skirt (to the knee please since you’re sitting most of the time), dress shirt and jacket if you have one. Think Mock Trial Lawyer clothes. 🙂 I will provide the debate order on each table, sticky notes, snacks, ballots for the moms and rubrics to help with judging. Moms, you can congregate in our room downstairs before your round in order to receive instructions and find out your room assignment. 🙂

Shakespeare: We discussed and practiced reading some of the play in Iambic Pentameter- it’s truly amazing that Shakespeare used this rhyme and meter throughout all of his writing!! They picked this up really quickly! Please discuss ideas for the final project!! You need to have a plan.

It was a wonderful day! These days are so full and exciting! I hope this gives you a glimpse into the conversations!

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Spring Weekly Wrap-UP #8

Good morning, class! It was so very good to be back together this week! Andrew, we missed you, and we prayed that you were feeling better already!! Here’s a wrap up of our day:

Grammar: While most of you were taking your NLE, the rest of us diagrammed a sentence and remembered our “Chart A” from Essentials- I was thrilled to see how much grammar you remembered!! Essentials is truly my favorite!!! 🙂

P&P: When we all joined each other again, we spent time in Proverbs 23 and shared requests and praises.

Logic: We worked many word problems, looking for the equal statements first. Then we moved into inequalities, learning a strange rule that must be followed- changing the sign around when multiplying/dividing by negative numbers. A strange quirky fact in lesson 91. I would recommend highlighting it!

Expositions: I loved seeing your Comparison charts/Venn diagrams- some great brainstorming, for sure!

Now we use those for our longer outline- on pg 211 of your guide- this is going to take some time. And remember, use either FD or BTW as your “term A” and “term B.” Also, 6 quotes now- as your “examples” in the outline…. this is going to be a long paper that you can be proud of in the end!! Here’s a picture of the board, with two examples of how to write a thesis- either comparing similarities OR differences….

Research: How are those notecards coming along- they are all due NEXT Week- bring all 210 to class next week so that you can start your paper- or at least the organization of it!! We will use class time to start sorting them how you want to type them up!!

We also played with electricity this week- at least with snap circuits- what fun!! Thank you, Caleb, for bringing your box full! I enjoyed watching you all work together too.

Economics: I handed back the GREAT timeline tests- use these, moms!! WE discussed how to write summaries for our new book, The Money Mystery. You will read these aloud next week. Please write down your stocks and keep up with your budgeting assignments in your folder. We also used the last chapter in Penny Candy to discuss Natural/Higher law and Roman law- and looked at the “free” countries and those that aren’t.

Debate: Everyone timed their 1ACs and handed them in- I’ll look them over and return them back to you next week. Please find 3 pieces of negative evidence this week so that you and your partner have plenty- remember the categories to find some neg on- mental health, addiction, China, freedom, children, harmful or not? You’re going to need this when we debate in two short weeks!

Shakespeare: We acted out part of Act 5- you should be reading through the play again at home. Also, we discussed the final projects- please let me know your ideas soon.

It was a good day full of laughter and conversation. Work hard at home on your school work!

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Spring WWUP#7

Good Monday, everyone! I hope you are either having a great school day OR taking a much needed rest. I hope that you do find some rest at some point, while getting your week 8 work done too. Have a plan!

We had a super day together on Thursday, full of conversations and some great teamwork, too! Here’s our wrap up:

P&P: We enjoyed reading God’s Word together this week and sharing requests and praises with each other.

Logic: We worked more problems together, especially focusing in on functions. How’s your math work going at home? Keep being diligent in this subject so that you aren’t left with a ton of math this summer!! This is a great week to get back on track.

Grammar: I gave a midterm test in class- I was thrilled to see such good, hard work happening- I’m really encouraged by the Latin work of these students- keep it up! We had a great Q et Q led by Abi- and I loved this it came from a very recent exercise- y’all keep these up- it’s helping you ALL parse!!1 This is also a great time to do some practice NLE tests if you’re taking those when we get back- and even if you’re not, they are great little assessments for you, moms!! Copy off a test and then use the answer key to assess them- so simple and quick!

Exposition: We peer-reviewed each other’s papers today- and then I took them all up to read the papers and to see what your classmates had to say too. We then did a quick comparison of CFA and McD in a Venn diagram- what they ARE, HAVe, and DO. Please do the same for our two books this week for homework, brainstorming at least 15 items in each part of the Venn diagrams. I will look at these next week and we will use them on week 8.

Research: Thank you for leading us, Josiah. WE then all were able to complete two more labs together- so that’s 3 total for this module- I hope it helps in your understanding as you work on the module this week to prepare for our conversation next week in class. This is also an excellent time to go back to the library, check out some more resources, and do those research cards- 210 are expected due on week 9. You can catch up- or even get ahead?!

Economics: I saw some nice timelines being made- I’ll look over these this week. Please continue to work on your two projects- notice the SM is closed today for Presidents’ Day, so no new numbers- but do write down your numbers!!

Debate: Partners were assigned this week- I can’t wait!! Such good work was started today, looking at evidence (everyone had theirs!!!) and even formulating their plans. Please work with your partner over break and bring your completed 1AC TO CLASS on week 8- I need a copy to take home and look over to help you and your partner. This is your assignment for this strand this week. I love that I have all girls, all boys, and even a boy/girl team- it’s fun to watch the different types of teams work and debate together!! Don’t let your partners down- and start a Google doc with them. We will have our debate day on week 10, March 14- I will need someone from your family (mom, dad, sister/brother) to come judge a round that day- we can’t do it without you!! ( if you’re tutoring/directing in the afternoon, you are relieved from this responsibility!:)

Shakespeare: I assigned groups, and let them go for it in Act 4! This has been my favorite year of Shakespeare so far- you all seem to “get” the humor and story- it’s been a pleasure to watch you then perform for the other group!! Please go in the back of you guide and start reading about your final Shakespeare project due on week 14/15- I will be asking what your project is going to be starting next class- start planning something.

Have a wonderful break! Let me know if you need anything from me… like the fillable 1AC for your debate- just send me a quick message!

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Fall WWUP#6

Hi everyone!! Are you all looking forward to a break as much as the Cathcarts?? We are feeling the need for a slower pace for even a week, but let’s all work hard to finish strong! Here’s a wrap up of our week 6:

P&P: It was lovely to have all 11 in class this week! I loved reading God’s Word and praying with you all.

Logic: Clemmie had a great algebra question for us, which helped us focus our discussion on her type of problems- great job working through these problems- complex fractions and all of those exponents can be confusing.

Grammar: We had a nice Quid et Quo sentence from Charlie to work through. We also covered some more ablative constructives for our ablative chart. Please learn this chart for our mid-term along with our Vocabulary and look through your notes for some grammar work. Also, bring all of your readings to class along with your books. 

Exposition: I can’t wait to hear your Born Again papers this week- and I can’t wait to see which way you are defending – the state or individual? Please have your two books finished for this week’s first conversation comparing these two famous Black Americans. Moms, we start our new type of writing with this paper- comparison papers. I will give notes and walk the students through this the next two weeks.

Research: How are your research cards coming along? Do you have 120- 150 at the end of this week? Please finish up your Module 10 this week. And please write up Lab 11.4 for our experiment- Josiah, you are our new lab leader. 

Economics: We took another vocabulary quiz in class. We also discussed and debated minimum wage- it was fun! Please have your timeline events memorized- 20 total- 12 Econ, 8 history. 

Debate: The tags and research are looking really good! I’m looking forward to hearing you all debate each other- soon. I look forward to seeing your new AFF this week, and don’t forget your two NEG this week too.

Shakespeare: Moms, we have some thespians!! I split the class into two groups, assigned two different sections of the play, let them assign parts, practice, and then they put on their section for the other part of the class- y’all did great with this!!

It was a great day, and there is much to do this week- please study hard. We will work hard on Thursday, so that we can enjoy a week off!!

Love, Mrs. Cathcart

Spring WWUP#5

We are 1/3 of the way through our second semester- time is flying by!!! And we have a break in two short weeks, so work hard!! It will make our break even sweeter! Here’s a wrap up of our day:

P&P: What a blessing to have everyone back safe and sound! This week we stopped after our Proverbs and discussed the Gospel- it’s good to take stock to make sure we define what it is that we believe so that we can share the Good news with others! I was thankful to hear their grasp of the Lord’s saving grace for us.

Logic: We covered two big lessons this week, working through many problems- I saw nice understanding, and I hope this helps as a preview of what is coming or review for those who have done this before.

Grammar: We worked on the first half of lesson 37, IO verbs of the 3rd conjugation- it’s kind of tricky. Moms, you might want to do a few exercises orally to check for understanding? I’m loving the quid et quo sentences they are bringing in and making us translate and parse- this seems to be working well. Nice sentence, Duncan! Keep up with your readings.

Exposition: I checked on ANI charts and we discussed our outlines for next week- I’m only asking for TWO quotes this paper, not three. I’m looking forward to seeing your outlines next week. This is our last persuasive paper of the year- next paper starts our next kind of paper- so moms, you want them to show excellent understanding of this structure before we move ahead. Start reading your next book per your guide.

Research: We were able to observe and ask lots of questions of the marvelous science fair projects- what fun!!! Thank you, Mrs. Rampey, for inviting us, and for preparing such a great CC day- for ALL of us!!

During our science time, we were able to work through 2 experiments watching refraction and reflection of light. Thank you for leading us through a longer lab, Charlie. Work on your module 10- we will have a review game next week, so please know the material. Also, 30 more notecards for your paper this week- it will be 120 finished after this week!

Economics: Well, I hope that your student has a real understanding of interest and savings after our exercise- do you want 1 cent right now that doubles everyday for 28 days or 1 million? Keep up with your readings. Write down your stock numbers and have fun researching cars for your budget project.

Debate: OK, we start researching AFF this week (banning TikTok)- three pieces of evidence with TAG, quote, citation, and credentials- please type this up and bring to class- we will use it in class next week. Remember, be the classmate that people want for their partner!! Scarlet, find a classmate, brother or sister :), or text me with questions as you research and type it up! 🙂

Shakespeare: We read two sections from our play in two different ways- Nice reading and keeping up, class. Don’t forget to bring your play with you every week!

Work hard, dear students! Have a great weekend.

Love, Mrs. Cathcart